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1. 上海市血液中心, 上海200051; 2. 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院检验科, 上海200025

Assessing the effect of removing human cytomegalovirus from blood
components using quantitative polymerase chain reaction

LU Ping1;LING Bing1;FANG Feng-qin2;JI Yu-hua2

1. Shanghai Blood Center, Shanghai 200051, China; 2. Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory, Rujin Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200025, China

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摘要: 为了评估目前常用的去白细胞滤器去除血液成分中人巨细胞病毒( HCMV) 的效果, 我们在献血员中筛选获得HCMV-IgG、pp65 皆阴性的血液, 分离外周血单个核细胞( PBMC) , 将HCMV 感染的人成纤维细胞与PBMC 共培养, 感染HCMV 的PBMC 经抗人成纤维抗体和抗CD45 磁珠2 次分选纯化后, 将CD45 + 单核细胞加回原全血中, 建立HCMV 潜伏感染的模型, 再用去白细胞滤器过滤。用实时聚合酶链反应( PCR) 定量测定过滤前、后血液样本中的病毒载量, 残留成纤维细胞所含的HCMV 通过定量反转录PCR( RT - PCR) 扩增脯-4-羟化酶exon12a mRNA 来校正。结果显示, 使用去白细胞滤器后, 每单位( 200 ml) 全血血液中, 白细胞的去除率为99. 98% 。全血中平均HCMV 病毒载量从3 742 拷贝/ μl 降至22. 57 拷贝/ μl, 降低2. 50 log10 , 说明去白细胞滤器虽然可明显减少全血中HCMV 病毒的载量, 但并不能完全去除病毒。
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关键词 去白细胞滤器成纤维细胞    

The purpose of the current study is to assess the effect of removing human cytomegalovirus ( HCMV) by leukocyte reduction filtration ( LRF) in blood center. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells ( PBMCs) from blood
samples negative for HCMV-IgG and pp65 were separated and co-cultured with HCMV-infected human fibroblasts in order to establish infection. The infected PBMCs were purified from fibroblasts by double selection using magnetic beads coated with anti-human fibroblast antibodies and anti-CD45 and then spiked into whole blood units prior to LRF. After LRF, HCMV load in whole blood and in fibroblasts was assessed using real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction( PCR) for HCMV DNA and quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR( RT-PCR) for mRNA encoding the
HCMV DNA and fibroblast-specific splice variant of prolyl-4-hydroxylase, respectively. After LRF, the rate of leukocyte depletion in whole blood units ( 200 ml) was 99. 98%. After correcting for fibroblast-associated HCMV, the mean HCMV load in whole blood was reduced from3 742 to
22. 57 copies per microliter ( 2. 50 log10 reduction) by LRF. These results suggest that LRF reduces viral load but does not completely remove HCMV from blood components.

Key wordsHuman cytomegalovirus    Leukocyte reduction filtration(LRF)    Fibroblast
通讯作者: 陆萍   
陆萍1 ;凌冰1 ;方风琴2 ;季育华2 .
[J]. 微生物与感染 , 2009, 4(1): 13-15 .
LU Ping1;LING Bing1;FANG Feng-qin2;JI Yu-hua2.

Assessing the effect of removing human cytomegalovirus from blood
components using quantitative polymerase chain reaction

. Journal of Microbes and Infections, 2009, 4(1): 13-15 .
http://jmi.fudan.edu.cn/CN/      或     http://jmi.fudan.edu.cn/CN/Y2009/V4/I1/13

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