The current severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants of concern
CHEN Jingxian1,2
1. National Clinical Research Center of Respiratory Diseases, Guangzhou 510120, Guangdong Province, China; 2. KingMed Diagnostic and Translational Center for Respiratory Viruses, Guangzhou 510320, Guangdong Province, China
Abstract:Since the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has generated more than 10 000 variants. Some of them deserve our concern because it may become more infectious, or show increased pathogenicity with higher mortality, or it is no longer detectable with current assays, or it may evade immune protection conferred by available vaccines. On May 31, World Health Organization (WHO) proposed a new system to name SARS-CoV-2 variants. In this review, four worldwide spread SARS-CoV-2 variants were discussed comprehensively, including the India variant that is responsible for recent endemic of COVID-19 in Guangzhou.
陈敬贤1,2. 值得关切的严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 型变异株[J]. 微生物与感染, 2021, 16(4): 280-284.
CHEN Jingxian1,2. The current severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 variants of concern. JOURNAL OF MICROBES AND INFECTIONS, 2021, 16(4): 280-284.