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  微生物与感染  2018, Vol. 13 Issue (2): 114-121      DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6184.2018.02.009
Contents            PDF            Abstract             Full text             Fig/Tab
叶立娜 , 瞿涤     
复旦大学基础医学院病原生物学系,医学分子病毒学教育部/卫生部重点实验室,上海 200032
关键词双组分系统    肠杆菌科    毒力    应激    
Rcs signal transduction system in Enterobacteriacea bacteria: associated virulence and stress reaction
YE Lina , QU Di     
Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology of Ministries of Education and Health, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
Abstract: Rcs is a complex two-component system in Enterobacteriaceae bacteria. It regulates the synthesis of bacterial colanic acids, and the expressions of bacterial flagella genes and resistance genes. Distinguished with typical two-component systems, Rcs consists of three components, among which phosphate group is transferred via three steps. Rcs in different species may possess its own distinct functions, mainly in the regulation of bacterial virulence and stress control. This review focuses on the components, function and signal transduction mechanisms of Rcs system.
Key words: Two-component system    Enterobacteriaceae    Virulence    Stress    

双组分系统(two-component system,TCS)是细菌主要信号转导系统之一,通过磷酸转移而激活,从而调控细菌生长、生存、毒力等生物学功能。Rcs可调节荚膜异多糖酸合成,是一种复杂的TCS,1985年于大肠埃希菌中首次发现[1]。目前,仅在肠杆菌科细菌中发现该系统,其在调控细菌毒力和应激中发挥重要功能。典型的TCS由组氨酸激酶(histidine kinase,HK)和应答调控蛋白(response regulator,RR)组成,而Rcs系统则包含RcsC、RcsD、RcsB三个组分,其信号转导过程还依赖辅助蛋白如RcsF、IgaA、RcsA等。Rcs系统在磷酸转移、感应信号及功能发挥方面体现出多样性、复杂性,本文就此进行综述。

1 细菌TCS

细菌的TCS通常由两个蛋白构成:HK和RR。HK含感受域(sensor domain)和HK域(histidine kinase domain),RR含接收域(receiver domain)和效应域(effector domain)。HK域可自磷酸化,并将磷酸转移到接收域(图 1A)。复杂的TCS(如Rcs)由3个蛋白构成:HK、RR和含组氨酸的磷酸转移结构域(histidine-containing phosphotransfer domain,HPt),HPt可接收HK的磷酸基团传递给RR,磷酸转移过程分3步(图 1B)。除TCS外,细菌信号转导系统还有单组分系统(one-component system,OCS)。OCS由单个蛋白构成,仅含感受域和调节域(regulator domain)。肠杆菌科致病菌多为肠道致病菌,致病力涉及毒力、环境压力下存活能力等,均受TCS的调控(表 1)。Rcs是肠杆菌科细菌特有的TCS,结构复杂,不同于典型的TCS,以下重点介绍。

A: The one-step phosphoryl transfer of orthodox two-component systems. A single phosphoryl transfer occurs between a phospho-His of the HK and a phospho-Asp of the downstream RR. B: The three-step phosphorelay. The hybrid kinase contains a HK and a RR. The HPt domain exists in a protein separately. The phosphoryl is transferred via three steps as described in the picture. 图 1 双组分系统的磷酸转移步骤 Fig. 1 The phosphoryl transfer steps of two-component systems
表 1 调控肠杆菌科细菌毒力表达的双组分系统 Tab. 1 The TCSs regulating expressions of bacterial virulence in Enterobacteriaceae
TCS 调控模式 受调控的基因 细菌 毒力相关因子 参考文献
CpxA/CpxR 正向调节 间接调节 EPEC, UPEC Type Ⅳ菌毛 Nevesinjac AZ, 2005;
  Vogt SL, 2010
BarA/UvrY 负向调节 csgD E. coli Curli菌毛 Jubelin G, 2005
正向调节 virF, invE S. sonnei Ⅲ型分泌系统和效应蛋白 Mitobe J, 2005
正向调节 Unknown UPEC 糖类代谢,在尿道中生长 Tomenius H, 2006
正向调节 Unknown Avian E. coli 在宿主细胞中存活 Herren CD, 2006;
  Palaniyandi S, 2012
EvgS/EvgA 正向调节 Unknown EPEC, EHEC Ⅲ型分泌系统和效应蛋白,黏附 Nadler C, 2006
RcsC/RcsD/RcsB 负向调节 pchA, pchB EHEC Ⅲ型分泌系统和效应蛋白,黏附 Tobe T, 2005;
正向调节 grvA Morgan JK, 2013
负向调节 csgD E. coli Curli菌毛 Vianney A, 2005
QseC/QseB 正向调节 flhDC E. coli 鞭毛 Chaudhari AA, 2014
EnvZ/OmpR 正向调节 csgD
ompC, ompF
E. coli Curli菌毛
Jubelin G, 2005
正向调节 ompC S. flexneri 侵袭力 Bernardini ML, 2003
PhoQ/phoP 正向调节 prgHIJK Salmonella Ⅲ型分泌系统和效应
Kato A, 2008
正向调节 bpgPE operon 多黏菌素抗性 Groisman EA, 1997;
  Richards SM, 2012
正向调节 Unknown S. flexneri 抵抗中性粒细胞杀伤,毒力 Moss JE, 2000;
  Cai X, 2011
2 Rcs系统组成及磷酸转移机制

除大肠埃希菌,在其他肠杆菌科细菌(如志贺菌、伤寒沙门菌、鼠伤寒沙门菌、肺炎克雷伯菌、发光杆菌、奇异变形杆菌、耶尔森菌、欧文菌等)基因组中也发现了rcs同源基因。rcs基因主要包括rcsD(又称yojN)、rcsBrcsC,在基因组中位置相邻,排序保守(图 2A)。rcsD位于rcsB上游,与rcsB共转录;而rcsC位于rcsB下游,转录方向与rcsB相反[2]

A: The array of the main rcs genes in the genome of Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301. The array of the genes rcsD/rcsB/rcsC was drawn according to NCBI ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genome/). B: The domains of the main Rcs proteins in Shigella flexneri 2a str. 301. The information about the proteins RcsD/RcsB/RcsC was searched in the MiST2 database (http://mistdb.com/). 图 2 志贺菌中Rcs系统的主要组分 Fig. 2 The main components of Rcs system in Shigella

Rcs不同于典型的TCS,主要由3个蛋白构成:RcsC(HK)、RcsD(HPt)和RcsB(RR)。RcsC位于细菌细胞膜,含H1和D1两个功能域,分别带有His和Asp残基,参与磷酸转移过程。RcsB位于细胞质,含磷酸接收域D2,调节下游基因的表达[3]。RcsD位于细胞膜,含HPt,发挥磷酸的中间转移作用(图 2B图 3)。

The histidine kinase RcsC and the histidine-containing phosphotransfer RcsD are both located in the inner membrane (IM), while the response regulator RcsB is located in cytoplasm. Upon activation, RcsC autophosphorylates on a histidine residue in the H1 domain and produces a phosphoryl group, which is transfered through several protein domains (D1, HPt) to a terminal D2 domain in RcsB. Phosphorylated RcsB regulates downstream gene expression by binding to the gene promoter region. In this regulation, RcsB can work independently or interact with RcsA. 图 3 Rcs系统的磷酸转移机制 Fig. 3 The phosphoryl transfer mechanism of Rcs system

Rcs系统的激活与磷酸转移过程有关:RcsC感受上游信号后,H1功能域的His发生自磷酸化,并将磷酸基团转移至D1功能域的Asp,继而磷酸转移至RcsD-HPt的His,最终到达RcsB的D2功能域。磷酸化的RcsB可与下游基因启动子区域的DNA结合,调控靶基因的转录(图 3)。近期研究发现,RcsB的激活还有其他两种磷酸转移通路:①RcsC感受到某种特殊的刺激时发生自磷酸化,与未磷酸化的RcsC单体结合,将磷酸基团转移至RcsB,调节特定的靶基因转录。②在不同环境中,另一种刺激信号可被RcsD识别,RcsD发生自磷酸化,与未磷酸化的RcsD单体结合,将磷酸基团转移至RcsB,调节相应的靶基因转录。不同的刺激可激活一种不同的通路,调节不同的基因表达,使细菌适应不同环境。然而,感受刺激信号的机制尚未见报道[4]



在Rcs系统激活过程中,除RcsC、RcsD和RcsB外,还有其他辅助蛋白(如RcsA、RcsF等)参与。位于胞质中的辅助调控蛋白RcsA可与磷酸化的RcsB构成异二聚体,结合至靶基因的上游启动子RcsAB box区域[8],激活cps的表达(图 3)。RcsA不稳定,易被蛋白酶Lon和ClpYQ降解,细菌在30 ℃以上生长时其cps基因表达量降低[9]。细菌中新发现的第二信使c-di-GMP可大量诱导RcsA的表达(30.7倍),诱导的其他基因中35%以上编码细胞膜、生物膜相关蛋白,可能与RcsA的辅助调控有关[10]

在特定条件下,RcsB可与其他TCS蛋白共同调控靶基因的表达。在鼠伤寒沙门菌tolB敲除株中,ugd(编码UDP-葡萄糖脱氢酶)的表达需RcsB与RcsA相互作用;在低镁和低铁条件下生长的pmrA敲除株中,ugd的表达则依赖RcsB和PhoP的共同调控[11]。在伤寒沙门菌中,RcsB与TviA共同作用于roiA的启动子区域,促进Vi抗原合成[12]。在鼠伤寒沙门菌中,RcsB与PmrAB TCS相互作用,通过对wzz基因表达的正向调控促进O抗原合成,从而影响细菌对宿主免疫反应的耐受性[13]

外膜脂蛋白RcsF是感受信号的重要辅助蛋白,所有外膜上的刺激信号均需通过RcsF感受。RcsF与LolA(chaperone)结合,可由细菌的细胞周质(periplasm)运输至外膜内侧,进而与BamA(β-barrel assembly machinery的主要组分)、OmpA(β-barrel蛋白)结合而移至外膜外侧。此时,RcsF远离内膜蛋白IgaA(又称YrfF),IgaA抑制RcsC的激酶活性,使Rcs系统处于抑制状态(图 4A)。当RcsF接收到外膜或肽聚糖层的刺激信号时,RcsF无法与BamA、OmpA结合,暴露于周质中的RcsF与位于内膜的IgaA结合,使IgaA释放RcsC,从而激活Rcs系统。此外,当LolA蛋白受损时,RcsF无法运输至外膜内侧,而在细胞周质中聚集,可与IgaA结合,从而激活Rcs系统(图 4B)[14]

RcsF, as an outer membrane (OM) lipoprotein, is transported to the inner leaflet of the OM by the chaperone LolA. Under an unstressed condition (A), RcsF binds to BamA, which assembles RcsF and OmpA together as a complex. The complex displays RcsF on the cell surface, occluding RcsF from IgaA, an IM protein inhibiting the activation of RcsC. Upon a stress hitting the OM or peptidoglycan (B), the transported RcsF can not interact with BamA. Then the RcsF exposed to periplasm binds to IgaA and inhibits its function, resulting in an activation of Rcs system. In addition, when the LolA is destroyed, newly synthesized RcsF can also interact with IgaA due to a failure transportation to the OM. 图 4 Rcs系统的激活机制 Fig. 4 The activation mechanism of Rcs system
3 Rcs系统对细菌毒力及应激的调控 3.1 Rcs系统对细菌毒力的调控


肠出血性大肠埃希菌(enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli,EHEC)O157:H7的最低感染剂量极低,1~10个细菌即可造成感染,引起出血性结肠炎。该细菌中,非激活状态下的Rcs系统通过抑制pch调控基因而负向调控LEE致病岛(LEE pathogenicity island)基因的表达;而激活状态的Rcs可通过调控正向调控基因grvA的表达而促进LEE基因的转录,导致EHEC毒力增强,如对上皮细胞的黏附性增强及Ⅲ型分泌系统的效应蛋白表达上调[16],导致细菌对宿主细胞的黏附力和侵袭力增强,促进其感染能力。


耶尔森菌是烈性传染病鼠疫的病原菌,临床上常见的型别是小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌。耶尔森菌中,Rcs系统通过调控virG-lcrF操纵子的转录(编码LcrF)而正向调控Ysc-Yop Ⅲ型分泌系统,使细菌在宿主免疫细胞中分泌的Yop效应蛋白增加,从而增强细菌的存活能力[18],临床上可造成败血症等严重感染。



即使在同种细菌中,Rcs系统对同一生理过程的不同阶段也可能具有不同的调控作用。例如,在大肠埃希菌、鼠伤寒沙门菌、奇异变形杆菌中,Rcs均参与生物膜形成。在生物膜形成的起始黏附阶段,运动和黏附相关结构(如鞭毛、菌毛、Antigen 43)的基因表达受Rcs系统负调控;在生物膜成熟阶段,荚膜多糖酸合成基因的表达受Rcs系统正调控[21]



3.2 Rcs系统对细菌应激的调控





奇异变形杆菌中,Rcs系统调控游动细胞分化,激活minCDE(编码细胞分化相关因子)[28],抑制与鞭毛合成相关的flhDC操纵子[29]。细菌通过细胞分化、变形和游动,适应固体表面和液体间的环境变化(表 2)。

表 2 肠杆菌科细菌中受Rcs调控的基因 Tab. 2 The genes regulated by Rcs in Enterobacteriaceae
Genes Function Organisms References
cps Responsible for the production of colanic acid E. coli Stout V, 1990
ftsZ Responsible for Z-ring formation at the future
  site of cytokinesis
E. coli Gervais FG, 1992
osmC Reduces organic hydroperoxides E. coli Davalos G, 2001
rprA Affects translation of RpoS E. coli Majdalani N, 2002
lrhA Regulates rpoS translation, represses flagellar
  gene expression
E. coli Peterson CN, 2006;
  Lehnen D, 2002
gadA/BC Maintains a near-neutral intracellular pH when
  cells are exposed to extremely acidic conditions
E. coli Marie-Pierre CC, 2010
grvA Upregulates LEE-dependent adherence and
  represses glutamate-dependent acid resistance
EHEC Jason KM, 2016
flhDC Regulates flagellar synthesis E. coli, S. entericabr,
  Proteus mirabilis
Francez C, 2003; Wang Q,
  2007; Clemmer KM, 2007
ugd Increases resistance to polymixin B S. enterica Mouslim C, 2003
ydel Increases resistance to antimicrobial peptides S. enterica Erickson KD, 2006
roiA Initiates Vi antigen production S. enterica Virlogeux I, 1996
wzz Determines O-antigen chain length S. enterica serovar
Delgado MA, 2006
lcrF Augments Ysc-Yop T3SS activity for the survival
  of bacteria in host immune cells
Yersinia Li Y, 2015
minCD Encodes cell division inhibitors Proteus mirabilis Kristen EH, 2015
4 结语



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叶立娜, 瞿涤
YE Lina, QU Di
Rcs signal transduction system in Enterobacteriacea bacteria: associated virulence and stress reaction
微生物与感染, 2018, 13(2): 114-121.
Journal of Microbes and Infections, 2018, 13(2): 114-121.
