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  微生物与感染  2019, Vol. 14 Issue (3): 163-171      DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6184.2019.03.005
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屈蕾 , 杨柳 , 王丽滨 , 杨军兰 , 谢云     
西北妇女儿童医院医学检验中心,西安 710061
关键词李斯特菌病    新生儿    产妇    结局    
Clinical analysis of listeriosis in 18 neonates
QU Lei , YANG Liu , WANG Libin , YANG Junlan , XIE Yun     
Medical Laboratory Center, Northwest Women's and Children's Hospital, Xi'an 710061, Shaanxi Province, China
Abstract: The aim of this paper was to describe the clinical characteristics, treatment, and outcomes of neonatal Listeria infection. A total of 18 cases of perinatal listeriosis treated in Northwest Women's and Children's Hospital from May 2011 to April 2018 were included. Maternal history, perinatal events, clinical features, laboratory findings, treatment and prognosis were retrospectively reviewed. The results showed that 15 of the 18 mothers had clinical symptoms, such as fever and irregular abdominal pain. 13 newborns had clinical symptoms, mostly with respiratory distress and fever. 89% of the newborns developed bacteremia (61% with meningitis and 28% with pneumonia). Imaging examination indicated that 56% of the survival neonates had neurologic sequelae and 50% were likely to have congenital heart disease. Anti-infection medications were adjusted in 14 cases after the diagnosis of septicemia. All the pregnant women had a good prognosis. The neonates were discharged after recovery except one who gave up treatment and three whose parents requested for discharge. As listeriosis is a serious infectious disease in neonates, pregnant women with fever, abdominal pain and preterm labor should be alert to listeria infection, and early detection and targeted treatment can help improve the prognosis.
Keywords: Listeriosis    Neonate    Parturient    Outcome    

产单核细胞李斯特菌(下称李斯特菌)是一种革兰阳性杆菌,其感染可导致李斯特菌病,主要通过食用受污染的食品而传播。尽管李斯特菌病相对罕见,但病死率非常高(20%~30%)[1]。在欧洲,李斯特菌病的发病率为0.1/100万~11.3/100万,约20%的病例涉及围生期妇女及新生儿[1]。新生儿李斯特菌病多由先天性感染引起,而细菌垂直传播是多数新生儿感染的原因。在英国,它是早发型新生儿感染的第三大常见病因,约62%的感染出现在生命前24~72 h[2-3]。新生儿李斯特菌病的发病率约为8.6/10万,病死率高达20%~60%,且因李斯特菌有嗜神经系统的特点,新生儿感染后易患化脓性脑膜炎[4-6]。本研究对西北妇女儿童医院收治的18例患李斯特菌病新生儿进行回顾性分析,旨在明确新生儿李斯特菌病的临床特点、危险因素及预后,从而为李斯特菌病的诊断和治疗提供依据。

1 对象与方法 1.1 研究对象


1.2 方法


2 结果 2.1 产妇

18例产妇的中位年龄为28岁[25~42岁;四分位距(interquartile range,IQR):6.25岁]。1例产妇有吸烟史,3例为乙型肝炎病毒携带者,5例患有妊娠糖尿病(其中1例合并甲状腺功能亢进)。15例产妇(83%)有临床表现,其中9例(50%)出现产前发热,8例(44%)伴有不规则腹痛,5例(28%)阴道出血或流液,5例(28%)胎膜早破,5例(28%)出现胎心异常。

12例有记录的产妇中,仅2例(17%)送检血培养标本,培养结果均为阳性。送检的胎盘组织病理结果显示,7例(58%)为急性绒毛膜羊膜炎。血常规检查显示,白细胞计数增高,为(11.1~18.8)×109/L;C反应蛋白明显增高,为2.87~186.62 mg/L,中位数为59.24 mg/L。11例(92%)产妇在产前接受了抗生素预防性用药,均包含头孢菌素类药物。2例在血培养报阳后调整抗生素为氨苄西林,另1例在血培养报阳后调整抗生素为美罗培南。所有产妇经治疗均好转或痊愈出院。结果见表 1

表 1 18例新生儿母亲临床资料 Tab. 1 Characteristics of mothers of 18 neonates
No. Age (year) Presentation Medical history FIUD WBC (×109/L) CRP (mg/L) PCT (μg/L) Diagnosis Pre-delivery antibiotic(s)
1 25 Abdominal pain 6h, fever (T 38.3 ℃) 2 d, vag. bleed, DFM 2d HBV carrier Yes 16.8 44.50 NR Preterm labour, acute chorioamnionitis Cefoperazone+ metronidazole
2 38 Abdominal pain, DFM 1d GD No 12.3 2.87 NR Preterm labour Cefazolin
3 25 Vaginal discharge 8 h, PRM, prenatal (T 37.8 ℃) and postpartum (Tmax 39.5 ℃) fever for 2 d HBV carrier No 16.5 84.66 0.37 Preterm labour, acute chorioamnionitis Cefazolin, imipenem
4 27 Vaginal discharge 3h, abdominal pain for 1d, PRM Smoking history No 15.8 36.93 NR Preterm labour, acute chorioamnionitis Cefazolin, cefoperazone
5 26 Abdominal pain for 5 h N Yes NR NR NR NR NR
6 42 Vaginal bleed for 3 d, abdominal pain, fever (Tmax 39.9 ℃), respiratory tract infection GD, hyperthyroidism Yes 16.8 40.51 NR Preterm labour Cefazolin
7 31 Normal N No 13.2 16.21 NR Normal None
8 35 Abdominal pain for 9 h, fever 10 h, PRM N Yes 18.1 186.62 0.13 Acute chorioamnionitis Cefuroxime+metronidazole
9 34 DFM 1 d GD No 14.8 92.18 < 0.05 Preterm labour, acute chorioamnionitis Clindamycin, cefoperazone
10 28 Intrapartum and postpartum fever (Tmax 40 ℃) N Yes NR NR NR NR NR
11 28 Fever (Tmax 39.2 ℃) 2 d, abdo. pain for 0.5 d GD Yes 11.1 171.85 0.08 Preterm labour, acute Chorioamnionitis, bacteremia Ceftriaxone+ metronidazole, ampicillin
12 28 Normal N No NR NR NR NR NR
13 27 Abnormal fetal movements for 1 week N Yes 16.5 37.41 NR Preterm labour Cefazolin
14 30 Fever, PRM N No NR NR NR NR NR
15 27 Fever (Tmax 39 ℃) 3 h, abdo. pain, DFM GD Yes 16.4 185.51 0.08 Acute, chorioamnionitis, acute umbilical cord vasculitis Ceftriaxone+ampicillin
16 28 Vaginal discharge for 2h, PRM N No 18.8 73.98 1.12 Preterm labour Cefazolin
17 29 Normal N Yes NR NR NR NR NR
18 30 Prenatal fever and common cold during pregnancy all fever 3 times HBV carrier Yes NR NR NR NR NR
N: normal; DFM: decreased fetal movements; PRM: premature rupture of membranes; GD: gestational diabetes; NR: not recorded; Mec: meconium; FIUD: fetal distress in uterus; WBC: white blood cell; CRP: C-reactive protein; PCT: procalcitonin.
2.2 患儿 2.2.1 一般资料

18例确诊李斯特菌病的新生儿中,10例女性,8例男性。12例(67%)为早产儿,中位胎龄为35.5周(29.7~39周;IQR:6.3周)。10例(56%)为低体重儿,中位体重为2 355 g(1 600~3 700 g;IQR:1 090 g)。结果详见表 2

表 2 18例新生儿临床资料 Tab. 2 Characteristics of 18 neonatal cases of listeriosis
No. Sex Birth Weight (g) Gestation (week) Presentation Culture site Hospital stay (d) Diagnosis Initial antibiotic Switch antibiotic Outcome
1 F 1 800 34 Respiratory distress Blood, gastric juice 7 Septicaemia, pneumonia Piperacillin Add amoxicillin, meropenem Discharged
2 M 2 680 35.1 Fever (Tmax 38.5 ℃) 0.5 d Blood 17 Septicaemia Piperacillin No Cured
3 F 2 310 34.4 Neonatal asphyxia, pale complexion, respiratory resuscitation, oxygen mask Blood 24 Septicaemia, pneumonia Penicillin+ cefatriaxone Cefatriaxone, meropenem Improved
4 M 1 670 30.0 Respiratory distress Blood 9 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis cefoperazone+ penicillin Vancomycin Discharged
5 F 2 400 37.9 Fever (Tmax 38.4 ℃), dyspnea, obnubilation Blood 1 Septicaemia, shock, DIC, respiratory failure Cefotaxime Penicillin Given up
6 F 1 600 29.7 None Blood 50 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Piperacillin, penicillin+ cefatriaxone Meropenem+ ampicillin Improved, transfered treatment
7 M 2 800 38.6 Fever (Tmax 39.5 ℃) Blood, CSF 49 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Piperacillin, ampicillin Penicillin+ meropenem+ vancomycin Improved
8 F 2 800 37.6 None Blood 15 Pneumonia, septicaemia Piperacillin No Cured
9 F 2 280 32.1 None Blood 21 Septicaemia Piperacillin Ampicillin Improved
10 F 3 300 39 Fever (Tmax 39.3 ℃) for 1 d Blood, CSF 5 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Penicillin, cefatriaxone Ampicillin, penicillin Discharged
11 F 1 700 32.9 None Blood 35 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Penicillin, cefatriaxone Penicillin Improved
12 F 3 700 39 Fever (Tmax 39.4 ℃) for 1 d, mild yellowing of skin CSF 29 Purulent meningitis Penicillin+ cefatriaxone Meropenem+ penicillin Cured
13 M 2 030 35.9 None CSF 48 Purulent meningitis Piperacillin, cefoperazone+ meropenem Ampicillin+ cefoperazone Improved, transfered treatment
14 M 2 650 36.3 Fever (T 38.0 ℃) for 5 h Blood 26 Septicaemia, pneumonia, purulent meningitis Piperacillin Ampicillin Cured
15 F 3 530 38.6 Dyspnea 0.5 h after birth Blood 14 Septicaemia, pneumonia Cefoperazone+ penicillin No Cured
16 M 1 890 30.7 Respiratory distress Blood 28 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Piperacillin Ampicillin Improved
17 M 2 270 32.1 Respiratory distress Blood 25 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis Cephalosporin, cefoperazone penicillin, cefatriaxone No Improved
18 M 2950 36 Fever, abdominal distention, emesis Blood 32 Septicaemia, purulent meningitis La cephalosporin, Cefatriaxone+ penicillin Penicillin, ampicillin Cured
F: femal; M: male; CSF: cerebrospinal fluid.
2.2.2 临床特征

18例确诊李斯特菌病的新生儿中,13例(72%)有临床表现,7例(39%)出现呼吸窘迫症,7例(39%)伴有不规则发热,9例(50%)存在羊水污染。16例(89%)为早发型病例,均发生于出生前24~48 h。16例(89%)为败血症,11例(61%)为化脓性脑膜炎,5例(28%)为肺炎。16例败血症中,3例为单纯性血流感染,8例同时合并化脓性脑膜炎,4例同时合并肺炎,1例同时合并3种感染;另2例为单纯化脓性脑膜炎。

10例(56%)患儿有神经系统后遗症,颅内B超、计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)及磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)提示颅内出血6例、脑积水3例、侧脑室增宽4例、早产儿脑损伤5例及脑改变3例。此外,9例(50%)可能有先天性心脏病,心脏彩超提示卵圆孔未闭8例、动脉导管未闭2例、房间隔缺损1例。早产儿视网膜病变筛查提示双眼视网膜未完全血管化2例。

2.2.3 实验室检查

实验室检查结果见表 34。血常规检查结果显示,白细胞计数、单核细胞比值、中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值及C反应蛋白大多呈增高趋势,血小板计数除2例因并发症所致明显减低外(< 50×109/L),其余基本正常。对白细胞分布范围进行分析,发现多数患儿(45%)的白细胞计数为(20~29)×109/L。

表 3 18例新生儿实验室检查资料 Tab. 3 Laboratory data of 18 neonates
Laboratory findings Range (min, max) Median
Peripheral blood WBC (×109/L) (6.4, 127.1) 25.7
Mononuclear (%) (5.5, 24.9) 14.4
N/L (0.5, 12.1) 2.2
PLT (×109/L) (11, 570) 328
CRP (mg/L) (6.03, 200.80) 67.26
Cerebrospinal fluid WBC (×106/L) (33, 3802) 317
Neutrophil (%) (0, 76) 35
Mononuclear (%) (24, 100) 65
Protein (g/L) (0.02, 4.27) 1.50
Glucose (mmol/L) (0.04, 2.75) 1.60
Cl (mmol/L) (36.8, 132.2) 125.3
WBC, white blood cell; CRP, C-reactive protein; PLT, platelet.
表 4 18例新生儿白细胞计数分布范围构成比 Tab. 4 Composition ratio of distribution range of white blood cell count in 18 neonates
WBC (×109/L) Neonatal case Neonatal composition ratio (%)
6-9 2 11
10-19 2 11
20-29 8 45
30-39 2 11
40-49 2 11
50-59 0 0
60-128 2 11
Total 18 100

16例(89%)患儿接受脑脊液检查,结果显示白细胞计数明显增高,为(102~3 802)×106/L,中位数为802×106/L;蛋白大多增高,为0.02~4.27 g/L,中位数为1.5 g/L;葡萄糖明显降低,为0.04~2.75 mmol/L,平均为(1.5±0.9) mmol/L。

2.2.4 李斯特菌病确诊依据


2.2.5 治疗及转归


18例患儿中,1例因败血症出现休克、弥散性血管内凝血(disseminated intravascular coagulation,DIC)、呼吸衰竭等并发症,家属放弃抢救。3例症状较重(1例败血症合并肺炎,同时伴有颅内感染;2例败血症合并化脓性脑膜炎同时伴有先天性心脏病),在了解病情后家属要求出院。其余14例经积极救治均好转或痊愈出院。

3 讨论

李斯特菌通过激活T细胞介导免疫,在细胞因子白细胞介素18(interleukin 18,IL-18)作用下,吸引巨噬细胞聚集并局部增生,形成炎症性肉芽肿而清除细菌,而记忆T细胞可提供一种获得性的对李斯特菌感染的抵抗力,因此细胞免疫功能低下及使用免疫抑制剂者易感染李斯特菌[7]。李斯特菌侵入人体后是否致病与宿主免疫状态有关,这也就解释了为何李斯特菌病与恶性肿瘤、免疫抑制治疗、艾滋病患者及孕妇和新生儿有关[8]。妊娠期李斯特菌病是一种食源性疾病,母亲感染后呈非特异症状或无症状,其垂直传递给新生儿可造成流产、死产、胎儿死亡、早产等不良妊娠结局。由于回顾性研究的局限性,本研究未能对感染李斯特菌新生儿的母亲进行饮食方面危险因素的分析。


新生儿李斯特菌病可分为早发型和晚发型,取决于出生后症状的发展时间[10-11]。早发型的发病时间在出生后第1~6天,其中早产儿多见。本研究18例患儿中,16例为早发型,全部发生于出生前24~48 h,临床表现以败血症和化脓性脑膜炎为主,其次为肺炎。18例患儿中,2/3为早产儿,提示早产可能是李斯特菌感染的危险因素。本组16例早发型新生儿的母亲中,1例有吸烟史,3例为乙型肝炎病毒携带者,5例患有妊娠糖尿病(其中1例合并甲状腺功能亢进)。有研究表明,妊娠期糖尿病产妇及其新生儿的免疫功能受损,且以细胞免疫受损为主[12],从而增加了李斯特菌的易感性;而单纯乙型肝炎病毒感染或吸烟是否为孕妇感染李斯特菌的危险因素还有待进一步研究。晚发型的发病时间一般在出生后第7~28天,多发于足月儿。2例晚发型病例出现症状均在1周左右(1例在第7天,1例在第8天),且均为无症状产妇所生的足月新生儿,与以往文献报道一致[13-14]。研究表明,李斯特菌可直接通过血-脑屏障进入脑实质及脑干,引起脑膜脑炎及脑干脑炎,存活患儿中30%~50%伴有严重的神经系统后遗症,病死率很高(约20%)[13, 15]。本研究中,56%患儿神经系统受到损害,50%可能有先天性心脏病,随访发现18例新生儿李斯特菌病的病死率为22%。

18例患儿中,临床表现以呼吸窘迫和发热最常见。实验室检查显示,外周血白细胞计数、单核细胞百分比、中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比值及C反应蛋白等指标大多呈增高趋势,血小板计数无显著改变;脑脊液检查以白细胞增多、蛋白增高,葡萄糖降低为主。14例患儿住院时间均在14 d以上,最长50 d,平均29.5 d。通过比较,发现患儿体重越低、胎龄越小,其住院时间越长;相同条件下出生后有症状的患儿较无症状的患儿住院时间长。



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屈蕾, 杨柳, 王丽滨, 杨军兰, 谢云
QU Lei, YANG Liu, WANG Libin, YANG Junlan, XIE Yun
Clinical analysis of listeriosis in 18 neonates
微生物与感染, 2019, 14(3): 163-171.
Journal of Microbes and Infections, 2019, 14(3): 163-171.
