Identification and antifungal susceptibility analysis of 1386 strains of yeast in Nanjing
LI Hui- ming1; MEI Ya-Ning2
1. Department of diagnosis,First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China;2. Department of Clinical Microbiology,First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China
Abstract:The present paper ai ms to study clinical yeast isolates and analyze their susceptibility to antifungal drugs . API 20C AUXidentification systemand CHROMagar Candida mediumwere used to i dentify a total of 1 386strains of yeast collectedin our hospital fromJanuary to December , 2008 . The Rosco disk diffusion method was used to test the susceptibility of yeast to amphotericin B, fluconazole , itraconazole , nystatin , voriconazole , 5-flucytosine , and clotri mazole . The data were analyzed by Whonet 5 .4 software . Of the 1 386 strains collected, Candida albicans ( C. albicans) was the most frequent ( 58 .95%) , f oll owed by C. t r opicalis ( 15 .95 %) , C. glabr at a ( 15 .15 %) , C. kr usei ( 2.74%) , and others ( 7.21%) . Antifungal susceptibility testing results showed that the sensitive rates of C. l usitaniae , C. par apsilosi s , C. al bicans ,
C. t r opicalis , C. glabr at a , and C. kr usei to fluconazole were 95 .45 %, 94 .29 %, 82.99%, 79.19 %, 68 .57 % and 28 .95 %, respectively . The sensitive rates of C. albicans to 5-flucytosine , amphotericin B, nystatin, voriconazole , fluconazole , itraconazole , and clotri mazole were 93 .76%, 93 .15 %, 84.58 %, 84 .09 %, 82.99 %, 80 .05 % and 78.09 %, respectively . These results suggest that the major pathogen causing deep fungal infection in our hospital is C. al bicans , f ollowed by C. tr opicalis and C. glabr ata . C. al bicans was most susceptible to the antifungal eff ects of 5- flucytosine and amphotericin B. All of the yeast isolates collected, except f or C. kr usei , were highly sensitive to fluconazole .
李汇明1; 梅亚宁2 . 南京地区1386株临床分离酵母的鉴定及药敏分析[J]. 微生物与感染
, 2010, 5(4): 214-217.
LI Hui- ming1; MEI Ya-Ning2. Identification and antifungal susceptibility analysis of 1386 strains of yeast in Nanjing. Journal of Microbes and Infections, 2010, 5(4): 214-217.