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Journal of Microbes and Infections  2006, Vol. 1 Issue (4): 211-216     DOI:
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A cohort study of evolving of HIV-1 drug resistance in Henan Province,China
LI Jue1; LI Han-ping1; LIU Hai-xia2; LI Hong3; YANG Kun1; BAO Zuo-yi1; LIU Yong-jian1; ZHUANG Dao-min1; WANG Zhe3; XIN Tian-yi4; LI Jing-yun1
1. Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology; 2. Academy of Military Medical Sciences; Beijing; 100071; Ghina; 3. Youan hospital; **Center of Disease Control and Prevention; Henan; China; 4. Anti-epidemic Station; Shenqiu; Henan Province

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