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Journal of Microbes and Infections (JMI) is a Chinese peer-reviewed journal sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China and published biomonthly by Fudan University. The mission of JMI is to provide a new integrated forum to allow for the timely dissemination of large amount of information gathered about microbes and infections, especially those associated with increasing biological and clinical significance and pathogenic frequency. It covers any topics with critical biological value including, but not limited to, epidemic surveillance, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management, cellular and molecular pathogenesis, innate and acquired immune responses between microbes and hosts, drug discovery and vaccine development; And provides microbiologists, clinicians, public health workers, drug and vaccine developers, and even policy makers with updated knowledge on microbes and infections emerging in different countries and regions in the world. The articles are published as “Invited Paper”, “Original Research Article”, “Case Analysis”, and “Review” in Chinese with English abstract.

The incumbent Editors-in-chief are WEN Yumei (Academician, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University) and WENG Xinhua (Professor, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University).

The editorial board members are the experts in the study of microbes and infections, and most of them are leaders in the related fields. The editorial board is divided into sections based on the members’ expertise: Bacteria and Infections, Viruses and Infections, Fungi and Infections, Immune Defense and Vaccines, Antimicrobials, Clinical Studies and Epidemiology.

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Copyright © 2010  Editorial Board of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC)
Add:Editorial office of Acta Academiae Medicinae Sinicae , No.9 Dongdansantiao, Beijing PRC(100730)
Fax:010-65133074 E-mail:actacams@263.net.cn
Supported by:Beijing Magtech