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JOURNAL OF MICROBES AND INFECTIONS  2020, Vol. 15 Issue (1): 65-70    DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1673-6184.2020.01.013
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Psychological protection of healthcare professionals under the challenges of coronavirus disease 2019
WANG Yaping1, ZHANG Min2, LI Min3, ZHANG Zhen4, PAN Tingting5, ZHAO Chao5,6
1.Department of psychological medicine, Nanxiang Hospital, Jiading District, Shanghai 201802;  2.Shanghai Key Laboratory of geriatric clinical medicine, Huadong Hospital, Shanghai 200040, China;  3.Ruijin Hospital Proton Therapy Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 201801, China;  4.Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China;  5.MOE/NHC/CAMS Key Laboratory of Molecular Virology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan university, Shanghai 200032, China;  6.National Clinical Research Center on Aging and Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Shanghai 200041, China

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