王爱敏1; 何磊燕1; 许学斌2; 宋建明1; 薛建昌1; 王传清1
微生物与感染 ›› 2011, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 139-143.
Analysis of Salmonella infection in children with acute bacterial diarrhea in 2010 summer
本文旨在了解急性细菌感染性腹泻患儿中沙门菌的感染现状及其耐药性。采集2010年7月1日~2010年9月30日复旦大学附属儿科医院门诊及住院急性细菌感染性腹泻患儿的粪便标本,进行沙门菌分离、培养及鉴定,采用Kirby-Bauer法进行药敏试验。共收集急性细菌感染性腹泻患儿粪便标本 1 045份,检出沙门菌 160株,阳性率为 15.3%。其中<1岁患儿沙门菌分离率为23.6%(119/505),明显高于1~5岁患儿(7.6%,32/423)及>5岁患儿(7.7%,9/117)(x2=2090,P<0.001)。共分离到21种沙门菌血清型,其中鼠伤寒沙门菌占40.6%(65/160),其次肠炎沙门菌为25.0%(40/160),其余19种血清型占34.4%(55/160)。鼠伤寒沙门菌和肠炎沙门菌对氨苄西林的耐药率分别为91.4%和69.0%,对头孢曲松耐药率分别为29.3%和15.0%,对头孢噻肟耐药率分别为29.3%和12.5%;对头孢哌酮/舒巴坦、头孢美唑、磷霉素的敏感率>90% 。结果显示,我院2010年夏季急性细菌感染性腹泻患儿中,沙门菌感染率较高,以<1岁患儿为主,主要为鼠伤寒沙门菌、肠炎沙门菌感染,该2种致病菌对第3代头孢菌素均产生不同程度的耐药。
Abstract: The paper aim to investigate the prevalence and resistant pattern of salmonella associated with acute bacterial infectious diarrhoetic children. Stool specimens were collected from outpatients and inpatients with actue bacterial diarrhea admitted by the children’s Hospital of Fudan University during July 1 to September 30 in 2010 to do the salmonella culture by isolated method. Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested by Kirby Bauer method. Total 1045 patients suffered from actue bacterial infectious diarrhea were submitted to this investigation. Out of 160 patients were infected with salmonella.The infection rate was 15.3%(160/1045). The infection rate was 23.6%(119/505) in the group less than 1 year old, which was significant higher than that in the group of 1 to 5 years old (7.6%,32/423), and in the group of great than 5 years old (7.7%,9/117)(x2=2090,p<0.001). Total 21 serum types of salmonella were found,among them, Salmonella Typhimurium rate was 40.6%(65/160), Salmonella Enteritidis rate was 25.0%(40/160),the others was 34.4%(55/160).The resistance rates of Salmonella Typhimrium and Salmonella Enteritidis to Ampicillin were 91.4% and 69.0%,the resistant rates to ceftriaxone were 15.0%,29.3%, and the resistant rates to Cefotaxime were 29.3%,12.5%,respectively.The sensitivity rates of Salmonella Typhimuriumand Salmonella Enteritidis to Cefperazone/sulbactam,Cefmetazole,and Fosfomucin were higher than 90% respectively. These resuls suggest that the Salmonella was priority pathogenic bacteria associated with acute bacterial infeictious diarrhoetic children in our hospital in the summer time in 2010. Aged less than 1 year wrer sussceptible population to Salmonella infection.The prevalence serum types were Salmonella Typhimurium and Salmonella Enteritidis,which hanve appeared different range of resistance to the third generation cephalosporin.
Acute bacterial diarrhea / Salmonella / Antibiotic resistance / Children
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