Application progress on Raman spectroscopy in the diagnosis of pathogenic infections
YU Miao1,2, WANG Jingkai1,2, LIN Kaicheng2, LIU Fengxiang2, TANG Yuguo2, SONG Yizhi2
1. School of Biomedical Engineering (Suzhou), Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China, Suzhou 215163, Jiangsu Province, China; 2. Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou 215163, Jiangsu Province, China
Abstract:Accurate and rapid diagnosis of infectious pathogens is an important defense line to curb the spread of super bacteria and the abuse of antibiotics. At present, the clinical diagnosis of pathogenic infections relies heavily on culture methods, resulting in a long detection cycle of several days, which not only affects the timely diagnosis and treatment of patients, but also indirectly promotes the abuse of antibiotics. Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive and highly sensitive molecular fingerprint detection technology, which has been widely used in biology in recent years. It provides a new scheme for the diagnosis of pathogenic infections because of its advantages of non-culture, rapid, high specificity and low cost. Based on the principles and characteristics of Raman spectroscopy technology, this paper expounds its application progress on the identification of pathogenic bacteria and antimicrobial susceptibility test.
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YU Miao1,2, WANG Jingkai1,2, LIN Kaicheng2, LIU Fengxiang2, TANG Yuguo2, SONG Yizhi2. Application progress on Raman spectroscopy in the diagnosis of pathogenic infections. JOURNAL OF MICROBES AND INFECTIONS, 2022, 17(2): 102-109.