
刘袁媛1; 张文宏2; 王冯滨1

微生物与感染 ›› 2011, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 153-157.

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微生物与感染 ›› 2011, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 153-157.


  • 刘袁媛1; 张文宏2; 王冯滨1
作者信息 +

A case report of severe meningoencephalitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes

  • LIU Yuan-Yuan1; ZHANG Wen-Hong2;  WANG Feng-Bin1
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李斯特菌脑膜脑炎是单核细胞增多性李斯特菌(LM) 引起的细菌性脑膜脑炎,通常发生于免疫功能低下者。LM 是人畜共患致病菌,通过污染的食物传播。欧美国家报道较多,国内报道较少。李斯特菌脑膜脑炎病死率高,临床表现与其他细菌性脑膜炎类似。脑脊液检查与结核性脑膜炎亦难鉴别,确诊依赖于脑脊液涂片及培养。本文报道1 例重症李斯特菌脑膜脑炎,患者为免疫力正常的菲律宾籍中年女性,急性起病,先后以病毒性脑膜脑炎及结核性脑膜炎治疗,病情进展快,发病3 周出现呼吸衰竭,气管插管呼吸机辅助通气。脑脊液培养见LM 后,予氨苄西林联合氨基糖苷类药物治疗3 周,患者意识恢复,病情好转出院。本病例报道总结了李斯特菌脑膜脑炎的临床特点、危险因素及治疗转归。


Listeria meningoencephalitis is a kind of bacterial meningoencephalitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes( LM) , which most often occurs in immunocompromised persons. LM is a zoonotic pathogen transmitted through contaminated food. Historically , Europe and the United States have reported a greater number of infections, while infections in China are reported rarely. With its high mortality , it is difficult to diagnose Listeria meningoencephalitis due to the fact that the clinical manifestations are similar to other bacterial meningitis. It is also difficult to distinguish Listeria meningoencephalitis from tuberculous meningitis via cerebrospinal fluid. Diagnosis depends on the results of the cerebrospinal fluid smear and culture. In the present paper, a case of severe Listeria meningoencephalitis is reported. A middle-aged woman from the Philippines with normal immune function is presented with acute onset of illness whose condition deteriorated rapidly despite receiving routine therapy for viral meningoencephalitis and tuberculous meningitis. Respiratory failure occurred three weeks after onset of illness and tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation became necessary. After LM was found in cerebrospinal fluid , ampicillin combined with aminoglycoside was administered for three weeks. The patient recovered fully and was discharged. Here we summarize the clinical features , risk factors , progression and outcome of Listeria meningoencephalitis.


单核细胞增多性李斯特菌 / 重症脑膜脑炎 / 临床表现

Key words

Listeria monocytogenes / Severe meningoencephalitis / Clinical manifestation


刘袁媛1; 张文宏2; 王冯滨1. 重症单核细胞增多性李斯特菌脑膜脑炎1例[J]. 微生物与感染. 2011, 6(3): 153-157
LIU Yuan-Yuan1, ZHANG Wen-Hong2, WANG Feng-Bin1. A case report of severe meningoencephalitis caused by Listeria monocytogenes[J]. Journal of Microbes and Infections. 2011, 6(3): 153-157

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