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2021 Vol.  16 No.  3
Published: 25 June 2021

Original Article
Case Analysis
Original Article
145 CAO Miao1, SU Shan1, YE Ling2, LU Lu1, YANG Qinglai2, JIANG Shibo1
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 vaccine designed based on the natural conformation of the neutralizing epitope in gp41 membrane-proximal external region 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 145-163 [Abstract] ( 45 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3822 KB)  ( 2958 )
164 HE Yanchao1,2, ZHANG Jin1,2, FENG Jinjin1,2, JIE Zhijun1,2
The role of hypoxia inducible factor-1α in inflammation mediated by macrophage infected with H1N1 influenza 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 164-170 [Abstract] ( 72 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (6169 KB)  ( 384 )
171 ZHANG Li, HUANG Weijin
Effects of calcium and magnesium supplemented on hepatitis E virus infection of hepatocytes 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 171-175 [Abstract] ( 65 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (597 KB)  ( 431 )
176 XIE Hui1, QI Zhizhen1, YANG Xiaoyan1, YUAN Jing2, LI Xiang1, ZHAO Haihong1
Sensitivity and specificity of loop-mediated isothermal amplification in detection of Yersinia pestis 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 176-182 [Abstract] ( 74 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3870 KB)  ( 302 )
Case Analysis
183 FU Xiaoying, ZHU Xiong, MAI Zhen, WANG Licheng, WANG Chongzhen, HAN Limei, LI Huan, CHEN Hai
Pseudomonas oryzihabitans isolated from a patient with multiple organ failure 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 183-188 [Abstract] ( 79 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (5799 KB)  ( 494 )
189 LIANG Tianyu, LI Ruoyu, LIU Wei
Advances in the study of amphotericin B: mechanisms of antifungal action and resistance mechanisms in pathogenic Aspergillus terreus 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 189-195 [Abstract] ( 43 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2333 KB)  ( 403 )
196 ZHANG Shuxin, CAI Qiliang, ZHU Caixia
The application of organoid tissue model in the pathogen infection diseases 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 196-207 [Abstract] ( 77 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (11191 KB)  ( 432 )
208 PU Bingchun1, QIN Jinhong2
Advance on mobile genetic elements of Klebsiella pneumoniae genome 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 208-213 [Abstract] ( 92 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (943 KB)  ( 372 )
214 FU Zhangfan, AI Jingwen
Research progress of severe acute respiratory syndrome, Middle East respiratory syndrome and corona virus disease 2019 treatment   2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 214-220 [Abstract] ( 44 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (657 KB)  ( 331 )
221 LAI Jingzhen1,2,3, ZHANG Hong1,2, LIANG Hao1,2, NING Chuanyi1,4
Human immunodeficiency virus anatomy reservoir and detection methods 2021-06-25
2021 Vol. 16 (3): 221-226 [Abstract] ( 76 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (515 KB)  ( 370 )
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