Abstract:In response to the problems and needs of the record management of pathogenic microorganism laboratories in Shandong Province, biosafety laboratory record management platform of Shandong Province was developed. Through the platform,the record work of pathogenic microorganism laboratories was networked and integrated to realize the record activities of pathogenic microorganism laboratory digitalization and process management. The platform can greatly improve the filing efficiency and has been successfully promoted and used throughout Shandong Province. Then this study compared the current status of domestic pathogenic microorganism laboratories and experimental activity filling management platforms in terms of function and architecture, and analyzed and discussed the construction suggestions and thinking of laboratory filing management platforms under the normalization of the epidemic, which will be a valuable reference for the platform construction of other provinces and cities in the future.
席敏,段永璇,张睿. 新冠疫情防控常态化下的病原微生物实验室备案管理平台建设与思考[J]. 微生物与感染, 2021, 16(6): 425-430.
XI Min, DUAN Yongxuan, ZHANG Rui. Construction and thinking of the record management platform for the pathogenic microorganism laboratory under the normalization of epidemic situation. JOURNAL OF MICROBES AND INFECTIONS, 2021, 16(6): 425-430.